Posts Tagged ‘hvac equipment’

There are two main areas that we focus on as an HVAC company.  One is the matter of keeping HVAC equipment working in peak condition.  The other is on the matter of keeping people comfortable..  You might ask “Aren’t these two areas of focus basically one and the same?”  Well, they are certainly related topics but it is possible to have the HVAC equipment in great working condition and for people to still be experiencing discomfort.

The Challenges:

  • A thermostat that is sensing the temperature in only one room while trying to control temperature in several rooms.
  • Some rooms have more window or outside wall exposure than other rooms.
  • Some rooms have more people, computers, printers & lights than other rooms.
  • Different metabolisms in different offices. (some people like it hot, some don’t)
  • Some people have a desk that sits directly under or directly over an air conditioning register.

The good news is that there are solutions for all of these challenges.  We don’t have to “just endure” under conditions that make us uncomfortable.

The Solutions:

  • Make sure your thermostat is configured so that your HVAC system is continually blending the air during the hours that your building is occupied.  This will decrease the temperature disparity between different rooms.
  • Sometimes people feel uncomfortable if air is blowing directly toward them.  This can usually be solved by an adjustment in the register, by moving the register to a different location or by replacing the register with one that can be easily adjusted so that the air can be directed away from that person.
  • Maybe the duct system volume dampers have gotten out of calibration causing too much air to enter some rooms and too little air to other rooms.  An air balance procedure can solve this problem.
  • Over the years, ductwork can begin to leak or has become collapsed.  This problem can easily be solved as well.
  • Maybe the rooms served by this HVAC system are so different in nature that the only solution is a zone control system.  In almost all situations it is possible to install individual zone controls that will allow each room to have their own thermostat and for individuals to dial in the individual temperature settings of their preference. Check out our recent blog dealing with this issue Too Hot? Too Cold? CLICK HERE

Be assured that there are many options to be considered if you have comfort needs that aren’t being met.  In many cases minor adjustments can produce significant improvements in overall comfort levels.

Your comfort is our business – We’re not comfortable until you are comfortable!

Please give us a call to discuss the details of your particular building. 425.670.1968

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“You won’t believe it!”  Our technicians make comments like this from time to time when they see HVAC equipment that hasn’t had proper maintenance.

The­ photo on the left shows a blower drive belt that should have been replaced many months prior. The result is that this customer is probably paying twice what they should, every day they operate this equipment.

The photo on the right shows another unit that may look good at first glance but the pulley is actually worn to the point that this customer is likely paying at least 10% more than needed to operate the equipment.

Our Efficiency Enforcing Technicians are on the hunt every day to find and correct these hidden costs that occur due to lack of maintenance.  Here are a few examples of what a worn belt will do to the efficiency of your system:

  • Causes pulleys to wear out prematurely.
  • Reduces blower speeds, which results in poor air flow & reduces your comfort.
  • Causes additional stress to the heat exchanger, drastically dropping the efficiency of the unit.

Because power bills slowly increase over time due to these issues, most customers wouldn’t even know about all the costs associated their inefficient equipment.

Could this be happening to you? 

Regular maintenance of your HVAC systems can alleviate many of these issues.  Contact us today for a custom preventive maintenance program to fit your building’s needs!

425.670.1968 * *